Welcome to Chamberlain School District's Athletic Registration page!
A completed online activity registration account, including an updated physical exam form by a physician, is required before students can participate in any school activity, including practices.
View the ⭐ Activities Registration Directions page HERE.
Download the Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form HERE.
Physical examinations taken on April 1st and after are valid for the following school year. Physical examinations taken before April 1st are valid only for the remainder of that school year. Physicals are required for all extra-curricular activities, including sports, fine arts, HOSA, and FFA.
Click the icon below to register for an activity
If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please address it to:
Anna Pazour, CSD Activities Director
Office: 605-234-4467
Email: anna.pazour@k12.sd.us